It's 1994 and little did I know that I was introduced to photography since birth. At this very moment, I am consumed with emotions as I flip through the albums in my home. It is me as a baby, from 5 days old to each milestone in my life. Then my world paused, as I stared at the photos with my dad and I, he died in 2009. Photos capture what the mind may forget but it reminds the heart of what it will always remember. Thank you Muriel Peter, my mother, for collecting memories, I owe my love of photography to you. 

My first love, photography.

I think you should get to know me better. i am melisa j. desir and I HAVE A FEW STORIES TO SHARE.

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Scented candles
all genres of music
food, food and more food
a good podcast
long drives
the quiet

I like what I like.

It is the simplicity of life which relaxes me. I delight in a good time with amazing people. This allows me to smile more and laugh harder, life is beautiful and I bask in it. I use this approach in my personal and professional life. Photography is more than just another job for me, it is a life changing experience. I am given the opportunity to create memories, build relationships and grow with families. Now that you have gotten to know me.

To be completely honest,
I love wine + cheesecake.

It was actually harder than I thought, posing in front of the camera. How do I pose? What to do with my hands? Do I look good? I now understand how it feels to be on the other side of the camera. I wanted to experience what my clients go through as I capture their photos. This has made me more compassionate towards their feelings and insecurities. Photoshoots may seem intimidating at times but I promise you, I will be there to guide and ensure that you are comfortable and feel confident.

I know how it feels to be on the other side of the camera.

maybe I should have been a model. 

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